Laura MacDonald

Total Following: 57k

Meet Laura, living the dream on a farm in New Zealand with her husband Josh, 3 little country kids, and a whole bunch of animals!

They’re just your typical Kiwi family, embracing the joy of a "made from scratch" life—think home cooking, fresh bread, preserving, gardening, and all the simple pleasures that make life sweet.

Laura’s content is all about her journey toward growing their homestead, living their best made-from-scratch life and helping others to do the same by bringing a little bit of country magic into their lives.

If you’re looking for new kitchen inspiration, Laura has got you covered with her family’s favourite recipes, along with all the best tips & tricks. Whether you're just starting or already on your journey to a more homemade, self-sufficient lifestyle, she’s got all the articles, recipes, and tips to inspire you every step of the way!

Laura’s authentic, made-from-scratch lifestyle resonates deeply with a passionate audience seeking inspiration in home cooking, gardening, and sustainable living. Her genuine approach and strong connection with her followers make her an ideal ambassador for brands that align with a simple, wholesome, and back-to-basics ethos.

If you’d like to work with Laura, get in touch.