Mike Lake

Total Following: 180k

Meet Mike, a Kiwi currently residing in the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia. At 36, he's engaged to his soulmate Tara and they share their home with two furry companions, their beloved dogs.

In his spare time, Mike is all about cars. Building cars, drifting cars and talking about cars. Throw in a touch of that classic Kiwi humour and a sense of she'll be right and you're in for a real treat.

But Mike's not your average car enthusiast—he's a thrill-seeker with a knack for turning everyday moments into epic adventures. From exploring the world, sharing his favourite skincare secrets (who knew 30 could look this good), to creating music and spending time with his friends and family, Mike’s content has something for everyone.

So buckle up and stay tuned for epic car builds, travel tales and a look into the day to day life of a 30 something male with plenty of laughs along the way. Trust us, you don't want to miss this wild ride!

If you’d like to work with Mike, get in touch.