Rachael Ferguson

Total following: 24k

Meet Rachael - a powerhouse of strength and resilience.

After being diagnosed with bowel cancer at the tender age of 32, Rachael is a fierce advocate, raising awareness of this all too common disease. She found solace in her social platform, sharing her journey as she kicked cancers butt. Now, Rachael's on a mission to spread love, support, and encouragement to others facing similar battles.

Beyond her warrior spirit, Rachael is a loving mum to her wee boy George, a fitness fanatic, and a beauty enthusiast! Her love for staying active and embracing beauty in all its forms showcases her vibrant, authentic personality.

So join Rachael on her journey of advocacy, love, fitness and beauty, where every step is a testament to the power of resilience and the beauty of an authentic soul.

If you’d like to work with Rachael, please get in touch!